4200 Park Pl Ct Glen Allen VA 23060
*** ANNOUNCEMENT: This live event for March 13 has been canceled. The event will go on online, via Livestream. To those who registered, please check your email to learn how you can join and access the Livestream event. ***
We know that the mind is a powerful thing. That when you put your mind to something and focus on your outcome, you can achieve what you desire. So why do we have such a hard time getting what we want? Are you ready to put your limiting beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations to rest so that you can feel free to be you? Are you prepared to shift your perspective and tell yourself a new story, one that allows you to step out of your comfort zone?
Our March FAB event speaker is Patricia Brooks, “The Courage Catalyst.” She is a Certified Professional Coach, speaker, and author who moved through her fears and started a new life in France! Patricia will share how she did it, despite some very real self-doubt and, she will discuss insights she gained by Dancing to the Beat of Her Own Drum.
In this presentation, you will learn the three blocks that keep us from doing what we feel compelled to do
- Limiting Beliefs– These are general statements we take to be true, as a result of making an incorrect conclusion about something in life.
- Interpretations– these are how we read other people, their actions or body language, and take it to be the truth. This causes us to act in ways that might not serve us or allow us to be authentic.
- Assumptions are how we read a situation based on our experience. We create a story that prevents us from acting. It happened in the past so it will happen again. Why even try?
We will learn, we will chat, and we will engage and understand how to get past what’s holding us back. Because FABWOMEN focuses on delivering an incredible experience, we are now hosting our events at an incredible location!