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January 1, 2019 @ 6:00 am – February 7, 2019 @ 7:02 pm

St. Joseph’s Villa provides children with special needs and their families the opportunity to succeed through innovative and effective programs. They also serve children and families facing homelessness, autism and developmental disabilities, mental illness, special education needs, and other challenges. Currently, there are 206 students.

For the month of February, FABWOMEN is supporting St. Joseph’s Villa’s From the Heart Valentine’s Drive. We are asking all our members and friends to consider donating to provide each student with the following: (These items can be purchased for $5.00)

– Valentine gift bag

– Valentine card (signed please)

– Stuffed toy

– Small heart-shaped box filled with candy

** Gift bags and donations will be collected at our Feb. 8, 2019 FAB Friday meeting. Click here for details.

** You can also make a donation here: https://goalsinitiative.com/donate/ . Select Cause “From the Heart”, check box “Write a comment” and enter “Virginia Valentine’s Drive”.