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Virtual Networking Advice During The Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond

Virtual Networking Advice During The Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond

We all are experiencing a dramatic and sudden charge to our personal and professional lives because of the Coronavirus. In this episode of SONABank’s P.O.W.E.R. Plug Podcast, Mary Foley talks with four leaders of women’s networking groups, including our very own Shanna Kabatznick, about how they are helping their members stay connected using virtual networking. 


What’s your ‘happily ever after’?

What’s your ‘happily ever after’?

Every girl wants to live a fairy tale. We all grew up watching Cinderella and Snow White. They both endured setbacks and challenges in their story, but eventually found their prince charming and lived ‘happily ever after.’ Isn’t that what we all want? To live happily ever after? (more…)

Use Your Story to Connect with Others

Use Your Story to Connect with Others

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a girl…

Every woman has read the fairy tale as child and longed to be the princess with their own happy ending. But the truth is, each of us are already living our own fairy tale. Sure, it may not seem like it sometimes, but that’s life. But, your story is your story and it is unique only to you. (more…)

How To Differentiate Your Brand

How To Differentiate Your Brand

You’ve probably heard that in order to succeed in business you have to differentiate yourself.

Many entrepreneurs struggle with knowing what makes them different and how to make their brand stand out. They spend too much time comparing and trying to “fit in” or “keep up “ with what everyone else is doing. (more…)

Why do we feel the need to be anything other than our true selves?

Why do we feel the need to be anything other than our true selves?

There’s a lot of pressure from society that challenges our desire to be authentic. We may feel we need to portray a certain “persona” in order to get the sale or secure the job.  Think about the commercials we see on television – the Victoria Secret models have the perfect bodies with the perfect curves. Have you ever seen anyone on TV with a bad hair day?  What kind of picture is the media painting for women and young girls? (more…)